Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The green is almost gone!

This year I tried my hand, and my green thumb, at some gardening!  I planted about 20 or so different edible green goodies!  It was such a fun experience and taught me a lot.  It taught me that I like tomatoes but I don't LOVE having 16 massive plants of them.  It taught me to patients, and it opened my eyes to the beauty of life!

I found the little guy in the left photo on my dill plant.  He was too beautiful to squish so I looked up what exact what he was and what damage he could cause before I did anything.  I found out he was going to eat my parsley and my dill but also that he would be turning into a beautiful swallowtail butterfly.  I was very willing to sacrifice a few pieces of some herbs so I could see some butterflies later on in the summer.

In the beginning of summer I planted six sunflower seeds.  By the beginning of August, these small seeds grew nearly 17 feel tall!  They were stunning as they reached toward the sky, and the power lines!  In a few short days I will be picking these massive flowers and harvesting all of the seeds to season and roast.  I will keep you posted on how many seed these sunflower will give out!

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