Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Super Sexy

Now this might not be in everyones' best taste but give me a few moments to change your mind.  Boudoir photo shoots are becoming a big hit for a bride/wife to give to the special one!  No, we are not talking about trashy magazine centerfolds! This is a tasteful, sexy, and empowering photography shoot for a woman.  They may be thinking that they are creating a gift for a someone but I think it really is a gift for themselves!  Imagine feeling ordinary every day… like nothing extra special. Or do you ever feel that all of these woman on tv and in movies are so gorgeous and fabulous.  From the time these women step in front of the camera to the time I show them their proofs, they feel just as good if not better than all those other hotties behind the camera.  And as the photographer,  it is a great feeling to make a naturally beautiful woman finally recognize just how amazing they truly are.
These photographs were from this amazing shoot I just did.  The woman pictured is sometimes very hard on herself, and really doesn't give credit to how beautiful she really is.  My time with her was full of laughs, smiles, and memorable moments.  Although it started with her feeling awkward, not knowing what to do with her face ( if I showed you those images you would agree she nailed it!) not sure where to put her hands or how to be "sexy".  

I told her to relax, be herself, and just be her natural self.   These shoots are not about trying to be someone else.  They are not about being sex symbols or antifeminist. I think these shoots are about learning to be comfortable in your own skin and being happy with everything you are.  So yes, maybe it takes some cute panties, and some bare skin to get this out of some women, but I think it the feeling in the end is worth it.   It's the human body, it is beautiful.  You are beautiful :)  Remind yourself of that some time!

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