Monday, September 9, 2013

Schools in Session

I am happy to say that I am a child of a long and happy marriage.  My parents recently celebrated their 36 wedding anniversary.  If we want to get technically, they have been dating for over 40+ years!  They are real life "High School Sweethearts"!  Finding love that early and making it last is truly an amazing and wonderful thing.

Obviously my friends and myself are well past high school, and have lost all chances of marrying our high school sweethearts.  The idea of college sweetheart is a little more probable!

One of my oldest and dearest friends texted me this past spring with news that just moments before, her college sweetheart had popped the question! I could not have been more excited them.  The two W&J graduates have their wedding is scheduled for next fall which leaves plenty of time for countless Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and wedding planning. I do not doubt that it will be stunning, right down to the smallest of details.  

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