Monday, August 4, 2014

Beautiful, in every single way - Boudoir Photography

Last year I posted some faceless shots of a beautiful boudoir session I had the privilege of doing.  Since then, I have met many women looking to do the same thing.  What was interesting, almost each one had a different reason for doing it.  Anniversaries, wedding gifts, birthdays.  Mostly all  were gifts for someone else... BUT … in the end, the majority of these lovely ladies said they were happy they also did it for themselves.  One woman's reason for this type of session was because she had gone through a lot of changes, and just wanted to remind herself she was beautiful inside and out. 
 Because I am not showing any of my clients faces, you don't see half of what these women do at these shoots.  98% percent of these woman are smiling, giggles, laughing.  Not trying to be sexy, or be a play boy bunny.  They are being themselves.  Beautiful, empowered, intelligent women.  All knowing and experiencing that they are sexy being just themselves.  No act.  And although they are being sexual, there is still a sense of innocence in a lot of the pictures.
Some you may not understand why some women would want to be so exposed, and that's ok if you don't but you must admit that the different women in these images, and any that have done a shoot like this, are pretty darn brave!  Brave and beautiful!

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