Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Snack Time!

Who here has had a fried pickle?  If you haven't you are certainly missing out.  There is nothing better then biting into the hot crunch outside and finding the juicy tart dill pickle inside!  Don't forget the ranch dressing on the side!  These little beauties were features on Yahoos home page a few months back, and these did not disappoint!

 Not in the mood for the salty crunchy stuff, well then maybe you would prefer some almond joy cupcakes.  Now I can not give you my super secret recipe for my chocolate cupcakes, but I can tell you that everything else was easy-peasy!  Just a simple almond butter cream icing, toasted coconut on top, and sweetened coconut stuff in the middle, topped with an almond.  Like I said, easy!  It's not too hard to make these crazy combos you see now on the cupcake shows!  Keep things simple and easy and your friends will still be impressed!

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