Thursday, November 20, 2014

Chubby Cheeks and Ticklish Feet - Baby Photography

 Happy 6 months Miss Hayden! Those cheeks get more squeezable every time we see you!  Looking forward to the next 6 months of your first year! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Beaming with Happiness- Pittsburgh Wedding Photography

Whenever I photograph a wedding, by the end of the work day, my face is sore.  It must be from all of the smiling behind the camera.  This wedding was no exception.  In fact, I was unable to stop smiling while going through the images afterwards too.  This bride and groom's happiness beamed out of every picture. I am so happy to have been a witness to their special day.

Judging by the photographs, you can't even tell it was freezing cold this day and had on and off snow flurries.  

 I have way too many favorites from this day!  I couldn't help myself from posting pretty much a million of them!

This beautiful bride not only looked stunning the day of, but planned a gorgeous reception as well.  The venue was decorated in an elegant/rustic style with peacock details and accents of beautiful magenta.  Everything was perfect.  Between the awesome decor and rocking dj, the dance floor was always packed.  It was great to see the young to the old out on the floor, celebrating this amazing couples marriage.  It is so sweet to see how many people this couple has touched, and how much love was shared in that room!

Monday, November 10, 2014

….Then comes momma pushin' a baby carriage - Maternity Portraits

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes momma pushin' a baby carriage!  In a few short months this beautiful glowing woman will be welcoming a her and her husband's first child into the world.  Luck for me, I had the opportunity to capture her growing bump before it is gone!

We certainly lucked out with a gorgeous day down in South Park.  Hopefully she will be blessed with just an nice weather on the delivery day.  During the session, I joked that when we do the family session (+1) there will be snow on the ground and we can make snow angels.  But in reality, this beautiful mommy to be will be given an angel of her own, with or without the snow.  Congratulations and I can't hardly wait to meet the little nugget in 2015!