Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday's Sweet Treats: P1

How about we try something new.  Something that we can look forward to.  This is for all of my sweet tooths out there.  I think I will start/try to reserve every Friday so a delicious delectable.  As most of you, I too find a million things on Pinterest that I want to try, cook, or create.  I would say that my pinning is a little faster than my doing but as far as the cooking goes, I do attempt to create or be inspired by the majority of what I pin 79% of the time.  From now on, on Friday's I would like to share with you some photos of some of my Pin-tries .

To be honest, I am not much for cupcakes (although I post a lot of them).  It takes a very special cake to get me interested or close to excited.  With this big cupcake movement going down, I wanted to test my baking had an try gourmet cupcake making for myself.  And so far, so good!  

The beauties up above were life changers.  If I could bathe in one thing for the rest of my life, it would be that icing (trust me, once you try it…WOW) I made a double batch and it still wasn't enough goodness for me!  These babies are banana buttermilk cupcakes with a coconut caramel icing.
If you want the most moist, decadent cupcake, and an icing you don't have to worry about making pretty, this is the cake for you!

I am always drawn to combinations that aren't the "norm".  Peanut Butter and Jelly cupcakes would fall under that category.
The cake is a rich sweet and salty peanut butter ( I used chunky because I didn't want to go tot he store and get creamy)  the middle is just normal Welch's grape jelly, and on top is a fluffy peanut butter butter cream.  This is your childhood sandwich, made into an adult form and then dressed up for a good night out!   I wish I could tell you the recipe for the icing, but I sort of just winged it. 

 Now if I could only figure out how to take all of the calories out of these things, I would be a happy camper!  Next week I will be trying my hand at gluten-free pumpkin cupcakes. Wish me luck!  

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